The Child Writes Program
The Child Writes Program, in its full glory, is unapologetically huge! It is a literacy program and an adventure for primary school aged children from Years 4, 5 or 6, giving children a megaphone for their voices by using books as a platform. With a hand-holding step-by-step methodology led by experienced passionate literacy advocates and tutors, children participate in 2 hours workshops each week for Terms One, Two and Three, learning all that is involved in creating a children's picture book; from developing the original idea, writing stages, through to using professional tools for illustrations, editing and proofreading, to the book launch and beyond. Each child, having written and illustrated their own picture book is then asked to submit their proposed book to Boogie Books, a publisher supporting the program. Each child is then considered for publication, with the successful applicants being offered a publishing agreement,
ensuring they are indeed published authors!
It is all about empowering children to navigate their future through story!
It is ideal for schools in an 'after school' care setting, or if the timetable has living subjects built in to the weekly timetable. Since 2005 370 plus children have created their own picture book at 8 different schools across Queensland and Victoria.
Imagine it › Write it › Evaluate it › Edit it › Proofread it › Appraise it › Plan it › See it (storyboard) › Feel it (dummy rough) › Draw it › Illustrate it › Finish it (book launch)
The easiest way to share more is to let you hear from those who have been involved...

As well as an amazing amount of tuition, children also receive...
Child Writes book
Tutor Guide (for tutor/parent)
Student Workbook
Art kit including illustration materials
Editing by head office editor
Preparation of electronic files for publishing and ebook
Tutor support (for tutor/parent) by phone and internet
All proofs for printing
Ten printed copies of the completed book (published by Boogie Books, under the Child Writes brand)
Child Writes completion certificate
Publishing contract and online commercial opportunities