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Choose from one of three tried and tested workshops
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Spark your imagination!
Choose from one of three tried and tested workshops

With a toolbox of idea generating activities, never be bereft of creating an idea ever again! Useful for the reticent writer as well as the creative . Ideal for children Years 3 and above, including Secondary


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Imagine It...
Character Building...

Writing the characters biography is a perfect point for character development. Work through the checklist of 'must know' character traits to create the most believable character possible. Ideal for Years 5, 6 and Secondary.


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Lost the Plot? Explore the seven plots known to man and explore their functionality to change your stories point of view. Ideal for Secondary.


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Lost the Plot?
Create a Book
In only a matter of days,
create a book fit for purpose

Imagine the joyful creative frenzy that comes from having a group of about 12-15 children all working on one children's picture book! 


With two days writing, then two days illustrating, followed by a day in production with a graphic designer, be prepared for a launch of your very special book on Day 5. 

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